Put A Tune To It Visits The Golden Oldies

I got tagged, I got tagged! No, really, I was kind of shocked. I’ve been tagged a time or two since so, wow, people noticed me. And here I thought I was doing such a fine job of flying under the radar. Well, as part of my intention for 2020 to blog at least monthly, and preferably even more often than that, let me just take care of this tag thing!

Now I admit, I’ve been sitting on it for a while. I’ve read several posts with this tag, trying to make sure I really get it. Sometimes I think I’m missing the point. But I think I’ve got this now.

The Rules:

  • Choose any number of western songs (any genre) that you think best sums up an anime or manga of any type or genre.
    • If you want to pick more than 1 from each section that’s fine. Or if you can’t think of one for a specific category that’s fine also.
  • Explain why you think your choices could work. Is it the lyrics? The tune and the beat? Or just the music video?
  • Link back to the original post so I can read people’s suggestions, I’d love to read everyone’s ideas.
  • Include Put a Tune to It in your tags so everyone including myself can find them all easily.
  • Nominate around 1-5 bloggers.

First I was happy to be tagged. Then my mind went blank. Apparently my subconscious was mulling it over for these last few weeks while I thought I was doing more important stuff like taking care of a sick hubby. Sicker than usual that is. I’m just digging the hole deeper so I’m going to move on. Oh, he’s better now. All of a sudden one morning my brain presented me with this group of songs and anime matches in one steady stream. And then shut off again.

For the anime Fruits Basket – in honor of their position in my life as my anime gateway drug. (This is a bit tongue in cheek as I don’t blame Fruits Basket for being my first anime love, nor do I think marijuana is a gateway drug for anything).

Well, and somehow I can hear Kyo in the music in his not-a-cat form.

Hmm, I can see writing this is going to take all night. I have to listen to the whole song everytime. These are, by the way, some of my personal all time favorite tunes. (And animes)

For Natsume You-jin Chou – in honor of their position as my second gateway drug and complete fall into anime fandom. And yes, I have been known to sit and smoke pot and watch anime. It’s legal. (I like how the dispensaries here offer “wisdom” discounts to people my age – in honor of those who fought for legalization for most of their lives). And oddly enough, I also associate this “fight” with the conflict between Natsume who is a kind and gentle soul who wants to be friends with the yokai, and the exorcist who uses them as more or less slaves when he doesn’t just smack them out of existence.

I didn’t do this on purpose, but I ‘m beginning to see a bit of a progression here. As this guy falls into his TV like I fell into this surreal world of anime Well, but I chose this tune for Ouran High School Host Club because it suddenly struck me the other day that all those guys do is get money for nothing and their chicks for free.

Because I could not resist, this is for Astra Lost In Space. Besides, Bowie. Anything to share a little Bowie.

I really love the opening theme for Hozuki’s Coolheadedness. Still, I wanted to include one of my favorite animes and one of my favorite songs. The pacing and the lyrics both work for me here. The demons are all working so hard – and here we are in the mundane world doing our best to do as little as possible. Which is generally what lands us in Hozuki’s jurisdiction.

I saw these guys perform live a long long time ago.

I haven’t been able to watch the new seasons of PsychoPass – but it is by far one of my favorite animes. It brings science fiction back to the “speculative” fiction it used to be, that I loved so much. Is it wrong that this is also one of my most favorite songs. I don’t hear voices in my head. Exactly. Not really.

This may take some explanation. Or maybe not. From the minute I first heard this song I saw sexy women dancing to it in my head. I danced to it. Nekkid. In front of people. I never was quite as sexy as Yuuko in XXXholic and so I hereby dedicate this song to her. She could totally be my waifu.

And in honor of Iron Blood Orphans from a lifelong pacifist who can still think giant robots fighting in space are cool and who did not miss the point that war is bad for children and other living things.(I had a patch that said that on my jean jacket – back when the war we meant was in Vietnam)

I think I’ve gone from a total blank to “I can’t stop this now…” and gone overboard. Too much? Well, grant me ONE more because that last song is so somber. And even more so because it is also true. Still. Forty years later.

So let’s end on a happy note.

I really love all the music for Polar Bear Cafe. In fact, I love pretty much everything about that anime. Because it makes me feel just like this song does.

I was tagged by the uplifting Pinkie of Pinkie’s Paradise and if you want a daily dose of sunshine you should be reading her blog. I also happened to luck out and find the original post for Put A Tune To It! Thanks to Shallow Dives In Anime  for this fun tag. And yes, I even tagged a post for a change. This one.

Many if not all of the bloggers I follow the most have done this tag. But I think maybe these fine folk were somehow missed.

Mage In A Barrel

100 Word Anime

I’m kind of on the outskirts, I think. If you want to be tagged, raise your hand, I’d be happy to share 😀 .



  1. I had expected quite a bit of a different music taste from you! Not sure why! But I had fun reading trough this post!
    Like If I had to imagine your personality had a colour it would be like Minty green or green. There wasnt a lot of minty green music in this one! :O But that part of the fun of this tag.

  2. I’m infamous among friends for seeking out the “other” music. Alternative. Blues. Heavy metal. Reggae. And most appallingly to my generation – punk and a wee bit of disco (good memories). Minty green makes me smile. I am a green witch – when someone just insists I pick a color. Yep, that’s me. “Are you a white witch or a black witch?” GREEN. LOL.

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