Tell Me Something Good

I said I thought I might start blogging again, I didn’t say anyone was going to like it 😉

But I was looking for a little dose of positivity myself today because although the morning was really good, the afternoon turned into Monday 😛

I always listen to a podcast while I do the dishes. It takes a little piece of time when my brain is generally idle and turns it into some sort of pleasurable and useful experience.

I admit – I listen to lots of true crime and conspiracy, and my beloved science podcaster suddenly developed a enormous case of white guilt so that her podcasts consist largely of how bad white people are and how much any given marginalized people are downtrodden and while I know that’s true, I don’t think constantly harping on it is going to resolve it. I refuse to feel bad because I’m mixed but pass and I’ve never lived my life in a prejudiced way. I may have even done a tiny bit here and there to enlighten and change things but who knows. So you know, why would I wallow in guilt for things I took no part in if I had any choice?

Anyhow, that left me searching Spotify today for a interesting, uplifting, positive podcast that lasts about 30 minutes. Luckily I didn’t have many dishes (I do them by hand – saves water and electricity and is cleaner IMHO) because this is only about 15 minutes of podcast – but I liked it. I found it a little amusing that the podcaster sounds a bit old timey preacher at the end – but overall I liked the message. I’ll give him a try. And I’ll give him a little plug in case you want something a bit more positive and uplifting today.

Why not?

If you should happen to have some favorite podcast you’d like to suggest, please do.


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