Let me explain something to you

You, the men and women of all ages, colors, sexuality, walks of life but specifically those currently working in retail positions in actual brick and mortar stores. I’m talking to you. I’m going to tell you something I was told in about 1960 something that is actually STILL TRUE today, but I think perhaps you never got told this judging by your actions and behavior.

If you did not have customers, you would not have a job.

Yes, those annoying inconveinent stupid obnoxious labor inducing blobs of flesh who walk up to your register to be checked out, who take things off the shelf, who walk up and down the aisles and who now and then OH MY GOD ask a question. And if you treat your customers as if it is HORRIBLE to have to do your job, you know check us out and TAKE OUR MONEY if you are rude enough to us, those of us who have a choice (and yes, the companies you work for are really good at nailing us down so we have no choice – which means BTW we are generally as UNHAPPY about being in your store as you are at us being there – but some of us still have some choices) will choose to go elsewhere.

I don’t enjoy shopping someplace where the cashier heaves a mighty sigh when I get to the register – after I’ve waited in line – throws my items around carelessly and chucks them into the bag any which way (roach spray with fresh meat – why not?), sighs and looks off into the distance over my shoulder while I use the little pin pad to pay, heaves another almighty sigh if I use cash, or two payment methods, or in any way make you do more than the bare minimum, then frown and heave another almighty sigh as you turn to the next victim in line. GOD FORBID they engage with me as a human in any way, like LOOK at me, MAYBE even speak to me like, hi, thanks for shopping, have a nice day. I know, you’re rolling on the floor laughing now.

Hey, there, modern human – don’t you think maybe it’s a


if you look down and heave an almighty sigh when I get in front of you, look away from me, and do your best to not acknowledge my presence. Wouldn’t you be whining and crying on TikTok about micro-agression if someone did that to you? WHILE YOU ARE HANDING THEM MONEY FOR GOD’S SAKE.

I know. I’m old fashioned and, apparently in your world stupid and inconvenient and just a total speed bump on your way to becoming the Ruler of the Known World.

Karma works.


  1. Sorry you had to experience that! Sounds like this was one in a long series, too.

    I have a feeling the karma capacitor is just about full, and I’m afraid it’s discharge might be a bit indiscriminate! I hope we’re not anywhere near when it lets loose.

    1. LOL. You are so right. It’s basically the most common reaction and treatment at any retail location right now. So much so, that I really do suspect these employees have NO CLUE that it’s not an appropriate way to treat customers. And yes, my bullshit meter is PEGGED. Has been for awhile to tell the truth. I pretty much have a really short list of brick and mortar stores I will go to where I am treated like a human being but now and then I simply have to go to one of the other hell holes and…

      Sadly, I think mainly the corporations have the customers so beaten down and trapped to HAVING to go to a certain store (*cough*Walmart*cough) because they simply cannot afford the prices anywhere else, and/or cannot get (or afford) transportation to someplace better that we simply accept this treatment I see as unacceptable. Las Vegas, I have noticed, has some really HUGE grocery deserts where for miles around the local combini is the only place to buy food. The funny thing is – those little stores are also often the ones where the employees treat you well.

      I am in serious danger of turning into one of those old people that says “back in my day” – and to tell the truth… my days were not all that good either. But…

      I think what irks is me we have this cancel culture that makes a lot of noise about treating every single human with complete respect – but on a daily basis I am not seeing that at all. What I see is people who EXPECT to be treated like little royals, who do not feel any need to extend that treatment to anyone else. I’m sure when they get on their computer/phone they make the appropriate noises though. 😛

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